Watch Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 34 with Urdu Subtitles

A loving Destiny – An Ertugrul Wedding Nasheed By Ehsaan Tahmidᴴᴰ Inc Eng Subs
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Selcan Hatun is face to face with death! Osman Bey is making a surprise move against Mongolian commander Balgay! Balgay, who comes to Kayı Obası and digests the people with various injuries, wants to sense the trap prepared for him and drink it to his poisonous daughter Selcan Hatun, while Gündüz and Batur are on the verge of execution. Dundar cannot oppose Balgay for the fate of the oban, while Bala and Bamsı; It starts a revolt against the Mongols! On the other hand, Osman Bey’s only hope is to play against Balgay using the secret he learned from the Ak Sakallı and the relics he received. Will Selcan Hatun die? Can Samsa Sergeant and the alps survive bondage? Will Gündüz and Batur be executed? Will the rebellion initiated by Bamsı and Bala against the Mongols be successful? Mr. Osman; Can Selcan Hatun prevent the death of Gündüz and Batur?
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